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vulcan gatling gun

Vulcan Gatling Gun - The Vulcan Gatling Gun, also known as the Vulcan Cannon, is the government's premier heavy weapon in the human struggle against the Locust Horde and the omnipresent Lambent Swarm.

Despite its sheer size, weight, and the fact that it requires two coordinated workers to use it effectively, there's no doubting the Vulcan's amazing firepower, which can turn a Locust Boomer into a meatball in the blink of an eye.

Vulcan Gatling Gun

Vulcan Gatling Gun

The Vulcan was used by remnants of the former coalition of Order governments during the defense of Alasi Gate. With the help of Victor Hoffman, Marcus Fenix ​​used the weapon to beat the Locust invasion.

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Determined to reach the submarine's fuel, Delta Squad left the Mercy, taking several Vulcan cannons with them. Marcus Fenix ​​and Dominic Santiago both used it to prevent a fuel truck driven by Dizzy Wallin from tricking the Locusts that attacked them on the way. They continued to carve through waves of drones, reavers, and corpses. Later, while at Mercy, the Stranded Man offered his Delta Squad Vulcan to defend against a horde of Lambent Formers. The cannon fired dozens of rounds, allowing the Delta to continue its mission.

The Vulcan is one of the largest man-portable weapons in the government's combined force, requiring two people to fully operate. One person acts as the weapons controller, aiming and firing the weapon, while the other holds and operates the ammunition canister, keeping the weapon loaded with live ammunition. In an emergency, the gun can be operated by one person, but it does not have the ability to withstand fire in this way because the user has to load more bullets into the barrel after each round.

Statistically, Vulcan Cannon has a similar profile to Mulcher (except it requires two people) and is a very powerful multi-level command. The Vulcan's rate of fire is such that it can destroy even the toughest enemies in seconds, and the dense spray of projectiles ensures realistic accuracy. It's a great weapon for both intercepting and sweeping large areas, and especially Yes, it shines when facing many enemies at once. Like the Mulch and Chain Gun, it has a short spin time and spins down before it has enough firepower - unlike the aforementioned, however, the Vulcan can't overheat.

Despite the fact that the Vulcan is larger than a mulcher, it is actually less bulky; Dedicating an ammo canister to their unit means that Vulcan operators are more mobile than Mulcher operators, although they lack the ability to hide behind walls. The Vulcan Cannon's main drawback, along with the need to carry two people for maximum use, is its appetite for bullets; It quickly burned through its ammunition stores, requiring a crew of two to carry for sustained fire.

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The Vulcan Cannon is available as a bonus wave in Horde Mode. This is used against you (with devastating effect) in Beast Mode by the Onyx Guard in the last wave to protect President Richard Prescott.

The only way to achieve this in normal multiplayer is to complete the easter egg in Bullet Marsh, where you must collect all three pieces of the RAAM blade and then interact with it. Doing so will give you a Vulcan (without the ammo box) that can be used both solo and on the go without another player. You still suffer from reduced movement speed and the inability to trap or hide, but this can be used to Horde's most powerful effect.

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Vulcan Gatling Gun

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The M61 Vulcan Can Fire 6,000 Round Per Minute

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Vulcan Gatling Gun

Arrow Shield · Emulsion Explosive Canister · Emulsion Injection Harness · Immune System Booster · Locust Ammo Boxes · Locust Armor · Locust Emblem · Swarm Armor · Crossbow · Torture Powder 20mm/99 M61 Vulcan, 2 Hydraulically/Pneumatically Operated, 6mm Electrically Operated - Barreled Reversible Cannon Firing velocity is highest between 4000 and 6000 rounds per minute. The Vulcan has been the main weapon of the US military's fighter jets for fifty years. Many aircraft of the time were originally designed without internal cannons because it was believed that missiles would render the weapons obsolete; However, the experience of air combat in Vietnam has shown that artillery is still effective. More effective than many guided missiles and less effective externally mounted weapons. Internal cannon, so the M61A1 Vulcan has become the standard. F-4E Phantom II. The M61 originally used a belt cartridge, but removing the consumable link caused significant problems and was soon replaced by the improved M61A1, which featured a linkless feed system. A lighter version of the Vulcan, the M61A2, was developed for use with the F-22 Raptor, mechanically the same as the M61A1, but with a thinner barrel, reducing the overall weight to 93 kilograms (202 lb), making it a better weapon. achievable. The maximum rate of fire is slightly higher - 6600 rounds per minute. In addition to being mounted on most fighters, there are two land applications: the M163 Vulcan self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the M167 Vulcan towed anti-aircraft gun.

M61 Vulcan 20mm Calibre Gatling Gun, Duxford, Uk. The M61 Has Been Fitted To Us Fighter Aircraft From The 1950s Onwards. Sparrow Missile Seen To Left Stock Photo

The Mark 15 Phalanx CIWS is a close-in weapon system designed to engage anti-ship missiles and fixed-wing aircraft at short range. Phalanx is the most numerous CIWS in the world and has been exported to many other countries. Like other close-in weapon systems, Phalanx provides ships with terminal protection against anti-ship missiles that penetrate other ships' defense systems. Consisting of a 20mm M61A1 Vulcan and a Ku-band radome mounted on a rotating base, the Phalanx is used by many navies around the world, notably all US Navy enlisted ground combatant classes, as well as the Navy. from 19 countries. A fully self-contained unit capable of seeking, detecting, tracking, engaging and automatically confirming kills using its own computer-controlled radar system, the Phalanx is ideal for full-scale combat ships and support ships that lack integrated targeting and sensor systems. . The Japanese Navy also fielded a smaller basic version of the Phalanx called the 20mm/76 Gatling gun to be mounted on patrol boats too small to carry the full-size Phalanx. Ground deployment models are also available - in response to continued artillery attacks on Iraqi bases, the US Army ordered the development of the same Ground Accelerated Artillery Defense System that featured the original M167 VADS. Initiative Counter Missile, Artillery, Mortar (Counter-RAM). The end result is the Centurion system, each consisting of a modified Phalanx CIWS armed with a 20mm M61A1 Gatling.

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