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m27 iar usmc

M27 Iar Usmc - The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) is a lightweight, magazine-fed, 5.56 caliber selective fire weapon designed and manufactured by the German company Heckler & Koch, based on the HK416 rifle. It is used by the United States Marine Corps and is intended to increase the maneuverability of automatic water. The US Marine Corps originally intended to purchase 6,500 M27s to replace some of the M249 machine guns operated by automatic submarines in the Infantry and Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalions. Approximately 8,000 to 10,000 M249s will remain in service with the Marine Corps for use at the discretion of company commanders. In December 2017, the Marine Corps announced that it would equip all infantry members with the M27.

US Marines fired an M249 from a three-way M122A1 at a rifle range in November 2003.

M27 Iar Usmc

M27 Iar Usmc

In 1985, the US Marine Corps adopted the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), one year after the US Army. It was a career-level decision to purchase the 10 kg light machine gun because the Army took a contract approach that the Marine Corps could use. Although the tape-fed M249 was portable and had a high rate of fire, its greater weight meant snipers could struggle to keep up with Riflemen.

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The M249 Light Machine Gun provides infantry units with the high rate of fire of a machine gun with the accuracy and maneuverability of a rifle. It can be fed from tape or from STANAG magazines like those used in the M16 and M4. The M249 has seen action in every major conflict involving the United States since the 1989 US invasion of Panama.

In 1999, the International Declaration of Requirement for the Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) was issued. Around 2000, the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Corps Division, conducted a limited initial test of the IAR, confirming the desire of the fire automatic rifle. The main difference between a lighter infantry rifle and a heavier practice rifle is the latter's ability to maintain continuous, continuous fire without breaking, overheating the barrel or frame and losing accuracy. Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan led to formal requests for proposals. The Global Declaration of Needs took six years to go through the procurement process before the official program began, and a list of required competencies was created in early 2005.

The Infantry Automatic Rifle Program began on July 14, 2005, when the Marine Corps sent out detailed requirements to weapons manufacturers. Among the characteristics desired in the army are: maneuverability and maneuverability; Similarities in appearance with other rifles in the group, reducing the possibility that the sniper will receive special attention from the enemy; facilitate the participation of gunners in counter-insurgency operations and the ability to maintain a high volume of fire. The initial request for a magazine of less than 100 rounds was reduced in favor of a STANAG 30 round magazine as, at the beginning of the test, the available 100 round magazines were not reliable. The caliber is described as 5.56×45mm with loose ammunition to achieve similarity with current service rifles.

In 2006, contracts were awarded to several manufacturers for weapons samples. Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal released the IAR variant of the FN SCAR, Heckler & Koch (H&K) released the HK416 version, and Colt Defense released two designs. Companies that tried to compete but were not accepted as those who completed testing with LWRC International with the M6A4 IAR,

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And General Dynamics Armament and Knowledge Products including CIS Ultimax 100 MK5 (sold as GDATP IAR).

In December 2009, the H&K gun won the competition and entered the final five-month testing period.

Sharing a detachment with the 2nd Army, 7th Infantry Division, which has been testing automatic rifles since 2001.

M27 Iar Usmc

After additional testing by the Marine Corps Performance Test and Evaluation Service at MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, Fort McCoy, and Camp Shelby (for dust, cold, and hot weather, respectively), limited deliveries of 458 IARs began to four Battalions. (conscience). (one for each Marine Reconnaissance Task Force and one for the Marine Corps Reserve) and the Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, both of which deployed to Afghanistan in 2011.

Hk M27 Iar

In June 2011, Marine Corps General James Amos approved a Limited User Evaluation (LUE) and ordered the replacement of the M249 light machine gun with the M27. Delivery of approximately 6500 M27s is expected to be completed by the summer of 2013 at a cost of $13 million. Each M27 gunner has to be equipped with up to twenty-two 30-round magazines of the type currently used with the M16 and M4 carbine, approaching the combat load of the M249 SAW gunner; although the M27 gun is not expected to carry all twenty two magazines. The individual combat load will be determined at the unit level and will be expected to vary by unit, based on the results of the evaluations conducted by the four Infantry Battalions and Armored Reconnaissance Battalions participating in the Limited User Evaluation. Although program officials knew that the change from the tape-fed M249 would result in a loss of suppressive fire power, Charles Clark III of the Marine Corps Combat Integration and Development Office pointed to the M27's significant increase in accuracy as a key factor in the process. . decided to replace the M249.

In early 2017, Marine Corps Commandant Robert Neller said he wanted to equip all "0311" Marines with an M27 IAR. For this reason, the Marine Corps placed an order in early 2017 for 11,000 M27 IARs from H&K. Speaking about the Corps command, Chris Woodburn, chief of the Maneuver Division in the Marine Corps Combat Development Command, said, "The new command will replace all M4s in every infantry member, except the squad leader, with the M27." He added that the change includes Infantry Training Battalions. The funding program is planned for FY 2019 and FY 2020, with the Corps receiving some ammunition in FY 2018. In August 2017, officials said that "the Marines are the priority" but the M27 "will be the hands of engineers. "Fighters and snipers from the next Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalions". The Corps later issued a pre-order notice for the M27: "A new pre-order notice of 50,184 M27s," said Woodburn, "is aimed at increasing the production capacity of H&K should it be able to serve as the sole supplier of the M27." , if the Marines decide to order more in the future." At the 2018 SHOT Show, the Marine Corps announced that the contract with H&K to produce 11,000 M27s for the Corps has been finalized and that the M27 IAR will be adopted as the Marine standard. Corps infantry rifle, replacing the M4A1.

In 2019, it has been reported that the last of the M27s will arrive in the Marine Corps market and it is expected that they will be in the hands of all infantry, from the platoon commander down, by the middle of 2021 .just over 14,000 M27s. , said Manny Pacheco, a spokesman for the Marine Corps Systems Command, via the Marine Corps Times. We bought rifles at an initial price of 1,600 purchases, followed by 2,600 in 2017, 2,900 in 2018 and 7,000 in 2019. In 2019, between 6,000 and 7,000 rifles are available to use.

US Marines practice firing the IAR M27 in a practice setting in April 2012.

Marines To Receive More M27s > Marine Corps Systems Command > News Article Display

Although the Marine Corps Systems Command is optimistic about the operational test, former Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James T. Conway is skeptical of the reduction in side-level firepower that will result from the acquisition of the M27.

It is assumed, although more accurate, that M27 is unlikely to come out of the tape that is M249. A rifle that is a magazine, requiring frequent reloading, will not be able to sustain the same range of fire. In a firefight, team members carrying extra magazines for the M27 may not always be able to get them ready to fire. Also, the SAW is a proven weapon. It is also important that the Army does not choose to continue

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